These are projects I have completed or I am still working on. Or even some random stuff I do in my free time (mostly weekend projects)
A collection of Javascript/WebGL fun tests Continue reading Miscellaneous
Android RadBeacon Dots Configurator
An Android Java app to scan and batch-configure RadBeacon Dots BLE beacons. Continue reading Android RadBeacon Dots Configurator
Shrek Alarm
The safest security system ever created. When intruders will make any movement inside your house, Shrek will be ready to welcome them! Continue reading Shrek Alarm
AI Dating
What to do when you end up single during a pandemic in 2020? Create an AI to deal with dating apps for you! Analyse bios, messages, pictures and more! Or just use this as a desktop client for Tinder (and Bumble) or to scrape some data for research purposes! Continue reading AI Dating
Expresso - Windows control with facial gestures
Windows control through facial gestures and emotion recognition. You can now act surprised when caught on stack overflow and boom your work windows are back on top. Raise or Lower the volume with your eyebrows, take a screenshot with a smile or send a message with a kiss. Continue reading Expresso - Windows control with facial gestures
Rasa/Nodejs Chatbot
A simple chat bot based on Rasa NLU and developed with Node.js, Express and as backend and HTML, CSS and Javascript with Jquery on the frontend side. Continue reading Rasa/Nodejs Chatbot
3D Simulation, forward and inverse kinematics of a robotic arm in C# using WPF and helix-toolkit Continue reading RobotArmHelix
Final project of the SPM course (Distributed Systems: paradigms and models) of University of Pisa
A Multi-threaded version of the popular Game Of Life implemented in four versions: Using Java8 threads, using the Skandium framework, using standard Java Threads and sequential Continue reading Final project of the SPM course (Distributed Systems: paradigms and models) of University of Pisa
Presentation of the VR project/game TheTower, made on, custom edited, with particles background made with Particle.js Continue reading TheTowerPresentation
The Tower
A Virtual Reality game using XVR engine and HTC Vive Continue reading The Tower